This world was created with a vast variety of landscapes for our enjoyment. I've been blessed to capture what is really a small sampling of the beauty that can be found across the globe. While I hope to continue to capture new locations as I have opportunity, I'm pleased to be able to offer this selection for your viewing.
Upper North Falls, Silver Falls State Park, Oregon
Upper North Falls, Silver Falls State Park, Oregon
Middle North Falls, Silver Falls State Park, Oregon
Middle North Falls, Silver Falls State Park, Oregon
Upper Butte Creek Falls, Oregon
Upper Butte Creek Falls, Oregon
Yellowstone National Park
Yellowstone National Park
Badlands National Park
Badlands National Park
Arches National Park
Arches National Park
Double Arch, Arches National Park
Double Arch, Arches National Park
Plaikni Falls, Crater Lake National Park
Plaikni Falls, Crater Lake National Park
Painted Hills Unit, John Day Fossil Beds National Monument
Painted Hills Unit, John Day Fossil Beds National Monument
Moonrise over Painted Hills Unit, John Day Fossil Beds National Monument
Moonrise over Painted Hills Unit, John Day Fossil Beds National Monument
Behind Lower South Falls, Silver Falls State Park, Oregon
Behind Lower South Falls, Silver Falls State Park, Oregon
Badlands National Park
Badlands National Park
Peek-A-Boo Canyon, Utah
Peek-A-Boo Canyon, Utah
Peek-A-Boo Canyon, Utah
Peek-A-Boo Canyon, Utah
Toadstool Hoodoos, Utah
Toadstool Hoodoos, Utah
Toadstool Hoodoos, Utah
Toadstool Hoodoos, Utah
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